My cute little Gavin is six! I can't believe next year he will be in school all day. He has been very excited about his birthday party this year. He wanted to go to the bounce house again and he wanted a costume for his birthday again. This year he wanted the real Obi Wan costume from Star Wars. He had so much fun with his friends Tate and Devon and with his cousins Davis and Cater. Gavin has come a long way on his reading this year and enjoys doing art projects in Kindergarten. He enjoys playing soccer, especially because his Dad is now the coach, and he is getting to be a great swimmer. He can swim under water at great lengths and is jumping off the diving board without
floaties. Yesterday, he was so excited because he learned how to blow bubbles with bubble gum. He is a very curious boy and has been asking more questions about why and how things work. He is so fun to be around, he always makes us smile. We love our Gavin!

Light Saber Cake