Carson is going through a very cute but very crazy stage right now. He just started preschool and he loves it. As soon as he sees my cars he yells "Mom" and he runs to the car. He immediately takes
everything out of his backpack because he can't wait to show me what he has worked on that day. He loves to talk and ask questions. He wasn't my earliest talker but he wins the award for most talkative. He says the cutest things like, "I sink the phone is honking." As far as the crazy sides goes, he wants things when he wants them and how he wants them. He thinks he is in charge of everyone at times. As a result, he is getting very familiar with Time Out these days. He loves sweets and is not a great eater. He would much rather have
root beer and cereal for dinner. We do love our Carson.
cute pictures...it was so fun to see you the other night your guys' costumes where awesome..your boys are soo cute